Tuesday, December 11, 2018

American Made

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Hello again! It's been quite awhile.. five years. Soo, we've bought a house, had a baby who's about to turn two. But let's get back to business.
So I most recently (get it?) watched this movie American Made. It's about how the drug cartel kind of got started in the US and this guy name Barry Seal who was a pilot who worked for the CIA and then decided to start with this drug stuff, but I don't think it was really by choice.. he was kind of forced into doing it or they would've killed him, and then he was stuck doing it for years or they would have killed him, and guess what happened in the end.. they killed him. The movie makes it seem like he actually enjoyed it though. So the CIA knew that he started doing this drug stuff, but they didn't really stop him from doing it because they needed him for something with fighting and war and guns, I don't remember exactly what, but I don't think it's too important. But then the DEA found out about the drugs and came after him, and the CIA pretended they didn't have anything to do with him. But somehow, he got this deal with the DEA that if he helped them out and got pictures of the cartel, then he wouldn't go to jail. Well, he did what was asked of him, but then the pictures were released and the cartel came after him because he was a little rat.

Overall, the movie for me was confusing because when it comes to history stuff they already assume you know the basic background of it and if you're me.. you don't. So I had to ask a lot of questions. Other than confusing, it wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it at least. There's this one part where it shows him having so much money he couldn't launder it anymore in the banks because it was just too much, so he had to start digging holes in his backyard and burying duffle bags full of cash, and stuff them in his shed and at his work and ugh, it just gave me anxiety. And I also loved how loyal his wife was to him while he was doing all this illegal stuff. Stuck by him through it all, but I mean who wouldn't with all that money coming in. I also like almost anything Tom Cruise is in so good movie.


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