Thursday, April 11, 2019

Avengers 2

Image result for avengers age of ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron. It starts with the Avengers all fighting these people of Hydra. They get the scepter back from these people and take it back to their headquarters so Thor can take it back to Asgard. While it's at the headquarters, Tony and Banner decide to look into it and see the technology and stuff it has. They end up deciding to use the technology to form Ultron which is supposed to be this kind of machine, maybe like Jarvis, that is supposed to put an end to the Avengers and basically protect the world forever. Well, Ultron ends up destroying Jarvis and becomes this Iron Man-like machine, and instead of keeping the world safe the way Tony and Banner wanted, he is keeping the world safe by trying to destroy the avengers because from all the data or whatever he has acquired, he noticed the death and tragedy that follows the avengers around. Anyways, so now the avengers have to find a way to destroy Ultron. While on their mission to destroy Ultron, they end up going to Hawk Eye's house with his wife and children. They fight and argue, Fury comes by and tells them basically what they need to do, then they head out and do it. They go to Sokovia where Ultron is, and fight him there. There are these two new people, a brother and sister who have been experimented on too I think, and the boy is really fast and the girl has like mind powers, and they want to destroy the avengers too because their home was blown up by one of Stark's weapons. But when they find out that Ultron is planning for global extinction they turn against him and start working with the Avengers instead. Oh, also Stark finds Jarvis again, and Stark and Banner go back to trying to form an all powerful good guy or whatever and they end up forming Vision who is created using the mind stone. So now we have four stones out there. Anyway, they end up destroying Ultron, but also the city of Sokovia.

I really like this movie. In the beginning after they had retrieved the scepter they threw a party at the headquarters and at the end of the party they were all hanging out having a good time and trying to pick up Thor's hammer. Each of them tried and none could do it. And when Captain America tried, the hammer moved very little and Thor's face looked really scared but then he just laughs it off when CA can't pick it up in the end. And then Vision at the end when all the avengers are fighting each other not knowing if they can trust Vision or not, he picks up the hammer and hands it to Thor and they are all in shock. Those are two really funny moments in the movie. And then also when Iron Man and Captain America care cutting wood and Iron Man goes.. don't touch my pile, like Captain America is going to steal from his pile to make his bigger. I also like how it makes it seem that now they have introduced that Hawk Eye has a family, you just expect something bad to happen to him so that he can't go back home to them, and then it almost happens when the bullets start shooting at him, but then the fast guy comes and moves him out of the way and ends up dying instead. It's a really good movie. 

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