Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The main plot of this movie is Hydra (what the Red Skull guy started in the first Captain America movie) has infiltrated Shield. Fury is building these big machines that can kill people who get in their way, and Shield allows him to continue with this project because secretly Hydra is going to overtake these machines and kill everyone in the world who is or will be against Hydra according to calculations and computer stuff they figured out about every single person in the world. Well Fury "dies" and tells Captain America to not trust anyone. And basically Captain America and Black Widow have to figure out who killed Fury (which was Hydra) and once they figure out about Hydra they have to stop them from killing everyone. The people still working for Shield don't know who around them is actually still Shield or Hydra. Anyway, so Captain America and Black Widow and the new guy Falcon take on Hydra, who also has the Winter Soldier who is actually Steve Rodgers childhood friend Bucky. So he won't kill Bucky, he keeps trying to get him to remember who he is. So basically at the end, the machines are destroyed and the leaders of Hydra are captured, but Shield is still completely shut down because they don't know who is working for who and they have to start all over again.
This movie is one of my favorite of the Marvel movies. It gets a little confusing since you don't know what's really going on with Hydra until Captain America figures it out. But I love the scene with Fury in the car and showing up at Rodgers place. I love when Black Widow is disguised as one of the leaders of Shield and goes after the guy in charge of Hydra, and then Fury comes back from the dead. I like that Fury dies and you think he'd dead for a majority of the movie, but then he comes back when they get to the secret Shield spot. And I love the scene when Captain America is in the elevator and he figures out that all the guys coming into the elevator are actually there to take him down. It's a real fun movie.
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